Growth | Silence - Erling Kagge (2016)

Discover the transformative power of silence in 'Silence' by Erling Kagge, which accompanied my personal journey from NYC's chaos to inner peace and nature's wisdom in Hawai'i.

Growth | Silence - Erling Kagge (2016)
Photo by Inés Álvarez Fdez / Unsplash

Hi All,

Today, I wanted to introduce another book that is dear to my heart. In the midst of a sun-soaked summer escape to Hawaii back in 2016, I stumbled upon a book that felt like a lifeline (I just grabbed this book before hopping onto the plane from NYC), offering me a newfound perspective on the chaos of my previous life in New York City. Having spent a decade studying and working in the fast-paced world of finance, I couldn't ignore the fact that, as a highly sensitive person—someone with an uncanny ability to pick up on the smallest shifts in their surroundings—I was struggling to keep up with the city's relentless rhythm.

Also, I always have been having a fascination with explorers who get to go into the deep nature that is untouched by the rest of humanity where DEEP DEEP SILENCE lies. So, this book was perfect for me - the account of 'silence' by the Norwegian explorer who probably has seen the things and experienced moments of life that are not readily accessible to normal people like me.

Amidst the soothing waves and warm sand, I found solace in Erling Kagge's "Silence." With the book in hand, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, feeling as if each page was a personal conversation with someone who truly understood. Lying on the beach, absorbed in Kagge's words, I began to feel validated and reassured that the pace the world was racing at wasn't a one-size-fits-all prescription for happiness. Little did I know that this newfound perspective would be echoed by the unexpected arrival of a pandemic in 2020, a global pause that would force us all to reevaluate our priorities and embrace the power of slowing down and listening, teaching us that silence can indeed be a powerful teacher in a noisy world.

Hope you also enjoy!

🐵 I. One-sentence summary:

"Silence" by Erling Kagge (Norwegian explorer who had record-setting expeditions; he’s the first person to complete the infamous Three Poles Challenge on foot by making it to the North Pole, South Pole, and Summit of Mount Everest) delves into the profound and transformative power of silence in a modern world filled with constant noise and distraction, offering insights on its importance for self-discovery and connection to the environment.

💯 II. Key Takeaways:

  1. Embracing Stillness: The book highlights the significance of seeking moments of stillness and quiet in our fast-paced lives. Kagge emphasizes that silence isn't merely the absence of noise, but a valuable state of mind that allows for introspection and self-discovery.
  2. Connection to Nature: Kagge explores the profound connection between silence and nature. He describes how immersing oneself in natural surroundings can provide a sense of tranquility and allow us to tap into a deeper level of understanding and connection with the world around us.
  3. Inner Exploration: "Silence" encourages readers to engage in self-reflection and inner exploration. Kagge suggests that by embracing silence, we can gain insights into our thoughts, emotions, and desires, ultimately leading to personal growth and a deeper understanding of ourselves.
  4. Resisting Overstimulation: The book argues against the constant bombardment of stimuli that characterizes modern life. Kagge challenges the idea that busyness equates to productivity and encourages readers to carve out moments of quiet to recharge and find balance.
  5. Reevaluating Communication: Kagge delves into the art of meaningful communication and how silence can enhance our interactions with others. By practicing active listening and allowing for pauses, we can foster deeper connections and more authentic conversations.

“I strongly believe that we are all born explorers. In the sense that when you're one year old you learn how to walk, you walk out of the house, and you start to wonder what's hidden between yourself and the horizon. And soon you will start to wonder, what's even beyond your horizon? So this spirit of exploration, that's something we all have. I kept it more than most people, but it never goes away. We all have it to a certain degree. Being an explorer is not something you begin being, but something you slowly stop being. You still have it until you die.” – Erling Kagge