Introducing 'Eudaimonia'
Hello everyone!
Hope the summer is treating you well wherever you are in the world! I wanted to introduce the new concept project called 'Eudaimonia' as a student of life!
If you've received personal emails from me before, you probably have seen my email signature:
"Only those who engage in the continual struggle to clarify their thinking to remove sources of contradiction and incoherence can be said to live worthwhile lives.
The unexamined life is NOT worth living." -Socrates
In Greek, Eudaimonia literally means 'happiness,' 'well-being,' and 'success.' One of my 2023 goals is to become more of me and to explore 'conscious living' as a way of life that is kind, inclusive, and sustainable to ourselves, animals, and the planet. This starts with discovering 'who I really am' first and that is a hefty question to answer. The point is to study various schools of thought, philosophy, and religious texts/practices with curiosity in a secular way and apply learned lessons to our daily lives for growth and soul evolution.

The project is composed of four parts. 1) Book club, 2) 5-minute philosophy, 3) mindfulness/meditation tips, and 4) leadership. More content to come on these later on my Instagram first.
Since my day job is about looking at the numbers on the spreadsheet and making decisions, I wanted to create a space for a like-minded community re: mindfulness, mental health, and well-being so that we can study and explore the concept together and exchange ideas.
I look forward to sharing this journey with you all and hearing your ideas, feedback, and comments. Please let me know if you want to collaborate or participate in this!

Kind Regards,