Newsletter - Week of Nov 6, 2023

Newsletter - Week of Nov 6, 2023
Photo by Jongsun Lee / Unsplash

Hi All,

This week's theme is PEACE. As I type this, it is 11:11 today! Hope you are setting the intentions for the next cycle. Also, Happy Diwali if you are celebrating!! Hope you are having a rejuvenating weekend!! :D

This week's highlights were the King's first speech as the parliament opened for the next cycle (it is the moment I realize that I am indeed in the UK), and OpenAI's dev day announcement! (again, it is the moment I realize that I am in the UK). More on this below.

Please note - in honor of the US Thanksgiving, we will take a break next two weeks but will be back the following week (week of Nov 27).

As always let me know if you have any suggestions and/or feedback! If you liked it, please subscribe and share it with your friends, colleagues and family. Also, ping me if you want to collaborate! Previous newsletters can be found here.

Until then, have a lovely week! :D

📈Markets & Investing

  • My weekly global market recap can be found here. This week's key events: In Europe, mixed stock performances and rising bond yields reflected concerns over prolonged high-interest rates and economic slowdown, while in the U.S., markets ended a notable winning streak amidst varied economic indicators and weak Treasury bond auctions. All eyes are on US inflation prints next week to gauge the Fed's rate hike potential in December given it typically takes 12-18 months for the effect to play out in the markets.
  • Bloomberg TV's market recaps: Real Yield & Wall Street Week (Nov 11, 2023)
  • AI-powered market research tool (not sponsored nor paid): My friend, a former hedge fund manager on Wall Street with 15+ years of experience founded her startup called Tickerbell. Having read hundreds of articles and sell-side research reports every week, she wanted to create a platform where investors could access the information more directly in real-time and minimize the time between the information being shared on Public and investors accessing the information. It is a beta mode now, but if curious, check it out here!

🌍 Sustainability

I will keep it short this week. Have you wondered why climate change matters so much for our daily life and the preservation of our human civilization as a species? Mother nature can go without us - easily! :) Find out more in my blog post! Spoiler alert - it has to do with what scientists call the 'Earth Carrying Capacity.'

Climate Science 101: Earth Carrying Capacity
Hi Folks, Today, I wanted to talk about the notion of ‘Population and Earth’s carrying capacity’ and why it is so important for us to care about the environment + biodiversity and to be mindful of the current economic growth model. Here is an interesting thought - the Earth does

🧘🏽 Conscious living

  • How to be a conscious leader. In today's fast-paced and often turbulent world, the concept of 'Conscious Leadership' has emerged as a beacon for those aspiring to lead with purpose and integrity. The ancient wisdom of Epictetus, a stoic philosopher, offers a timeless perspective that resonates deeply with this modern leadership approach. Epictetus famously asserted that philosophy should be lived, not just discussed. He believed that while we cannot control external events, our reaction to them lies firmly in our hands (he was born into slavery but gained freedom later; so he really meant it). This stoic principle aligns seamlessly with the ethos of conscious leadership. In a landscape where leaders are often swayed by external pressures and rapid changes, Epictetus' teachings remind us that true leadership stems from within. It's about maintaining calmness and objectivity in the face of challenges, and most importantly, recognizing that our actions are a product of our choices and disciplines.
To Epictetus, all external events are beyond our control; he argues that we should accept whatever happens calmly and dispassionately. However, individuals are responsible for their own actions, which they can examine and control through rigorous self-discipline. - Ryan Holiday
Fun fact: Epictetus was born into slavery. He lived in the Roman Empire and initially served his master in Rome. Despite these challenging beginnings, he later gained his freedom and went on to become a highly influential Stoic philosopher. His experiences as a slave significantly shaped his philosophical teachings, particularly his emphasis on the distinction between what is within our control and what is not, and the importance of internal rather than external circumstances in achieving tranquility and wisdom.

P.S.: This week's newsletter was much inspired by these two beings I came across during my visit to Egypt in 2019. I had a couple of past life regressions (hope I am not losing you here) to better understand where my 'mission-oriented' life motto was coming from. Nobody could understand my obsession with the mission that I had carried with a sense of urgency. Even I could not understand why I said to my parents at age 4 that I had to leave my family and birth country to help people and the world, and they must send me abroad. After more than three decades of searching, one by one, puzzle pieces are coming together. I am still learning, but I am grateful for all that happened thus far. Some people can see beyond what's visible. :D

Hathor - Wikipedia
Hathor, Egyptian Goddess of many realms and sky + Mother to Horus (God of Sky i.e. Ra the Sun God) + Also, Goddess of beauty, music, dance, joy, love, maternal care, etc.
Tutankhaten - the name means 'the living image of Aten, the Sun God.'

👽 AI

  • BIG NEWS: OpenAI upped their game! It is now connected to the internet by default (ChatGPT plus & enterprise users), and it can now see and speak! This was my Monday night. Website version recap here.

Key takeaways:

  1. GPT-4 Turbo: An advanced version of GPT-4 that can process much larger amounts of text at once and costs less. The knowledge base is now updated to April 2023.
  2. Assistants API: A new feature that lets you build sophisticated AI-based tools and assistants for complex tasks.
  3. Custom GPTs: Allows you to tailor ChatGPT for specific purposes or tasks using easy instructions, without needing to code. Speak in human, natural language, and it will get it done for you!
  4. Custom Models: Specialized AI models that can be customized for a company's specific needs, working with unique data and processes.
  5. Copyright Shield: A feature that offers legal protection for using OpenAI's platforms, especially in cases of copyright issues.
  • If you want a shorter explainer:
  • Learn more about Generative AI 101 (not paid nor sponsored): Some of you asked me where to get started on AI as a non-coder/expert. Trust me, I am a liberal artsy at heart (although I loved quantum physics and space stuff until high school, I was pre-law with an international relations major until my junior year to add finance to my degree in uni). If you are interested in deepening your understanding of #GenerativeAI, I highly recommend this 6-hour beginner course (it's free) by the father of generative AI himself, Andrew Ng! My journey into #AI and #machinlearning over the years has been truly eye-opening. The applications are not just vast but revolutionary, particularly in the realm of #climate analysis! Hope you enjoy it! :)
  • There are more free courses by Microsoft, Google, Harvard and DeepLearning! Check out the link here.
  • Other podcasts and interviews worth checking out: Two of my favorite people Reid Hoffman (founder of LinkedIn and many others) and WaitWhat CEO Jeff Berman discuss the 'adaptation strategy' in this brave new AI world. Also, some valuable insights from one of the AI insiders, Alexander Wang.

😍 My Favorites

📚 Eudaimonia Book Club: This week's book is Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. After WWII, he discovered psychology after attending a lecture by Carl Jung in Switzerland. After coming to the United States, his research focused on the roots of happiness and where people feel really happy in their everyday lives.

Growth | Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1990)
🐵 I. One-sentence summary: Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is a groundbreaking exploration of the state of complete absorption in an activity, known as flow, and how it can lead to a fulfilling and meaningful life. 1. Happiness Revisited Csikszentmihalyi intr…

🎙️Podcast: Learn how to be successful while keeping your heart soft without sabotaging others with sharp elbows. Guy Laliberte, founder of Cirque du Soleil, talks about how he became successful by keeping the right balance between ego and altruism. He was hurt before and had a traumatic experience, but learned to grow stronger to become the shield for others and be the embodiment of 'do good, do well.'

The Tim Ferriss Show Transcripts: Guy Laliberté, Founder of Cirque du Soleil — The Power of Belief, Street Gangs, Wild Tales from Las Vegas, The Dangers of Nurturing Fear, and Dancing on the Cliff (#700) - The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss
Please enjoy this transcript of my interview with Guy Laliberté (@guylalibertedj), the founder of Cirque du Soleil, One Drop Foundation, and Lune Rouge. Guy was named by Time Magazine as one of the most influential personalities in the world and has been recognized as one of the most creative and in…

📺 YouTube: Regardless of your job, believe 'Managing Client Relationships as an Investment Banker Client Relationships' by Jim Donovan (MD, GS) has great advice on how you can build long-lasting relationships with your key stakeholders. This video resurfaced recently on my dashboard and wanted to share it. It left a big impression on me 7 years ago. I bid my farewell to M&A investment banking after my summer internship at Wall Street 13 years ago, but I could draw many of advice from him.

In order to understand the business, understand your peers/clients in business: why they make the decisions they make, how they were educated, what motivates them, how their companies work. It'll make you a better lawyer or consulting or banker or whatever it is that you're going to be the second reason. - Jim Donovan

Key takeaways for managing client relationships:

  1. Learn from others: Find a mentor within your organization who excels at client relationships and learn everything you can from them, even if it means doing menial tasks to observe their methods.
  2. Become a strategic advisor: Don't just focus on the task you're hired for; take the initiative to advise clients on other business matters outside of your direct mandate to build a broader relationship.
  3. Listen and ask questions: Develop empathy by asking open-ended questions and listening carefully to the client's responses. This helps you understand their needs and makes them feel heard and valued.
  4. Be creative: Avoid always saying "no" like the "Doctor No" lawyers mentioned; instead, find creative solutions to your clients' problems and challenges.
  5. Put the client first: Offer advice that may not necessarily be in your own best interest, showing the client that their best interest is your priority.
  6. Respond promptly: Always be available for your client and respond to their needs quickly to show commitment and reliability.
  7. Stay upbeat and positive: Maintain a positive demeanor around clients, as positivity is contagious and clients prefer to work with someone who is pleasant and optimistic.

🎵 Music: Instead of music, I'm sharing the greatest speeches in American history to be inspired for the week ahead! Public speaking is the domain I am always keen to learn more about! :D

👍 Quote of the week

33 Mid Week Motivation Quotes - A Thousand Lights