START HERE: Conscious Living.

START HERE: Conscious Living.
Photo by Rajiv Bajaj / Unsplash

Hi Folks,

I believe it is sufficient to say that it is only fair that I share a part of my story so that you understand where I am coming from and decide for yourself if you want to further explore what I have to say here. I hate wasting your time as well.

I am a normal human being.

If you are into labeling and categorizing things,

I can be described as #HSP #Empath #IntrovertMostly #ExtrovertAtTimes #Spiritual #NotReligious #SheHer #Expat (lived most life as an expat for 20 years) #ObsessedWithMeaningofLife #YetLoveComfort #FullOfContradictions #andInnerConflict #Investor #Korean #GrewUpInSouthKorea #andUS #andCanada #LivingInUK #EarthLover #AnimalLover #YetFailingVegan #NoAlcohol #CosmosLover #SociallyAwkward #WorkInProgress #50CountriesAndCounting

When I was little - there were things I wanted to say and share with the world, but I didn’t, because they were incomplete and my ability to articulate them was limited.

This continued and there are things I wanted to share with the world in my 10s and 20s…but again I didn’t, because I was too afraid of being judged. I thought it was too premature to share and I was convinced that my perspectives will change over time once I gain more experience or at least more tenure on Earth will give me the authority to speak my mind freely.

Now that I am in my 30s, I realized, certain things don’t change and can be shared AT ANY TIME. It is okay. These certain things are NOT BIG SECRETS, but rather 'universal' human conditions that many people go through without openly sharing with others.

So, I’ve decided to create a safe space for all to observe, share, listen, and inspire or get inspired by esp. if you are in your turbulent teenage years or in your 20s and feel lost, hope this can help you get back on track. I am also looking forward to learning from you; people before me and people after me.

This is my contribution, coming from my unique vantage point among the 8 billion people on the planet Earth.

I want to dedicate this place to my friend, Anna, who inspired me to write about these topics. Five years later. I am completing the exercise.

Hello. and thank you. for co-creating this experience with me. I hope you enjoy!

I pray for the EARTH.

I pray for HUMANITY.

I pray for ANIMALS.




Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe / Unsplash